500 Bc to 100 Bc European Brooches Iron Age Prehistoric Art History

Fine art of the Bronze Age

The Bronze Age saw the birth of civilisation and the development of avant-garde cultures in Europe, the Near East, and Eastern asia.

Learning Objectives

Compare and contrast the fine art of the Statuary age found in the Ancient Nigh East, East Asia, and Western Europe

Key Takeaways

Cardinal Points

  • The Bronze Age is characterized past the utilize of copper and bronze every bit the chief difficult materials in the manufacturing of implements and weapons.
  • The Bronze Age is the primeval period for which we have direct written accounts, since the invention of writing coincides with its early beginnings.
  • Cultures in the Near Eastward and China developed the first systems of writing.
  • Burials in the British Isles shifted from the communal interments of the Neolithic Age to more individual burials in barrows and cists .
  • The Bronze Age is marked past widespread migrations and merchandise, especially across Europe and in the Mediterranean region.

Primal Terms

  • barrow:A mound of earth and stones raised over a grave or graves.
  • cist:A modest stone-built coffin-like box used to concord the bodies of the dead.
  • cenotaph:A human-made pile of stones.
  • smelt:Product of metal—especially iron—from ore in a process that involves the chemic reduction of melted metallic compounds into purified metal.
  • metallurgy:The science of metals: their extraction from ores, purification and alloying, heat treatment, and working.
  • civilization:An organized culture encompassing many communities, often on the scale of a nation or a people; a stage or system of social, political, or technical development.

The Bronze Age is function of the iii-historic period organization of archaeology that divides human technological prehistory into three periods: the Stone Age, Bronze Historic period, and Atomic number 26 Age . The Statuary Age spanned from 3,300 to 1,200 BCE and is characterized by the use of copper and its alloy statuary as the chief hard materials in the manufacturing of implements and weapons. This catamenia ended with further advancements in metallurgy , such as the ability to smelt atomic number 26 ore.

Photo depicts a pile of discarded bronze castings.

Bronze castings: Assorted bronze Celtic castings dating from the Bronze Age, establish as role of a cache, probably intended for recycling. Somerset Canton Museum, Taunton, UK.

The Bronze Historic period is the earliest menses for which we have directly written accounts, since the invention of writing coincides with its early beginnings. Bronze Age cultures differed in evolution of the first writing. Co-ordinate to archaeological evidence, cultures in Arab republic of egypt (hieroglyphs), the Near E (cuneiform), and the Mediterranean, with the Mycenaean civilisation (Linear B), had viable writing systems.

Photograph of a clay tablet broken into three pieces, covered with script.

Linear B inscription: This fragment from the Mycenaean palace of Pylos contains data on the distribution of bovine, pig, and deer hides to shoe and saddle-makers. Linear B was the primeval Greek writing, dating from 1450 BCE, an adaptation of the before Minoan Linear A script. The script is made upward of ninety syllabic signs, ideograms, and numbers. This and other tablets were fortuitously preserved when they were broiled in the burn down that destroyed the palace around 1200 BCE. It is on brandish at the National Archaeological Museum of Athens.

The Art of the Ancient Near East

Cultures in the ancient Near East (often called the Cradle of Culture ) practiced intensive yr-circular agriculture, developed a writing system, invented the potter's bike, created a centralized regime, police codes , and empires, and introduced social stratification, slavery, and organized warfare. Societies in the region laid the foundations for astronomy and mathematics.

From Mesopotamia came the empires of Sumeria, Babylon, and Assyria. From the fertile floodplains of the Nile emerged the Egyptians, with their great monuments and sophisticated society. From the Iranian Plateau came the Medes and and then the Persians, who nearly succeeded in uniting the unabridged civilized world nether 1 empire.

In Mesopotamian Babylonia, an affluence of dirt and lack of stone led to greater utilise of mud brick. Babylonian temples were massive structures of crude brick supported by buttresses , with drains to remove pelting. The use of brick led to the early development of the pilaster , column , frescoes , and enameled tiles. Walls were brilliantly colored and sometimes plated with zinc or gold, every bit well as with tiles. Painted terra cotta cones for torches were also embedded in the plaster. In Babylonia, three-dimensional figures often replaced bas-relief—the earliest examples being the Statues of Gudea, which are realistic if somewhat clumsy. The paucity of stone in Babylonia made every pebble precious and led to perfection in the art of gem cutting.

Photo depicting statue of the temple's ruler. He is sitting wearing a long dress and a headpiece with his hands clasped in his lap. His visible feet are bare.

Statue of Gudea: Neo-Sumerian period, circa two,090 BCE.

In Ancient Egypt , the Bronze Age began in the Protodynastic period circa 3,150 BCE. The hallmarks of aboriginal Egyptian civilization, such as fine art, architecture, and many aspects of organized religion, took shape during the Early Dynastic flow and lasted until about 2,686 BCE. During this flow, the pantheon of the gods was established and the illustrations and proportions of their homo figures developed; and Egyptian imagery , symbolism , and bones hieroglyphic writing were created. During the Quondam Kingdom, from 2686-2181 BCE, the Egyptian pyramids and other more natural sculptures were built. The first-known portraits were also completed. At the end of the Onetime Kingdom, the Egyptian style moved toward formalized seminude figures with long bodies and big optics.

Photo that depicts front and back view of Narmer Palette, carved from soft dark gray-green siltstone. The scene on the front features large Narmer wielding a mace wearing a flower crown. On the left of the king is a man bearing the king's sandals. To the right of the king is a kneeling prisoner, who is about to be struck by the king. The scene on the back features a procession with King Narmer at the top. Below the procession, two men are holding ropes tied to the outstretched, intertwining necks of a mythical serpoard (serpent/leopard).

Reverse and obverse sides of Narmer Palette, this facsimile on brandish at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto, Canada: The Narmer Palette, named later Egyptian Male monarch Narmer, is a significant Egyptian archeological relic dating from almost the 3,100 BCE, containing some of the earliest hieroglyphic inscriptions always found.

The Fine art of East Asia

In the East, culture emerged in the Indus River valley, and from the Yellow River came the ancestry of Chinese civilization. Chinese statuary artifacts are generally either utilitarian , like spear points or adze heads, or " ritual bronzes," more than elaborate versions of everyday vessels in precious materials of everyday vessels, tools, and weapons. In addition to numerous big sacrificial tripods known as dings in Chinese, there are many other distinct shapes. Ritual bronzes were highly decorated with taotie motifs , including highly stylized animal faces, in three chief types: demons, symbolic animals, and abstract symbols. Many big bronzes also comport bandage inscriptions that contain the bulk of surviving early on Chinese writing and have helped historians and archaeologists slice together the history of China.

Photograph of a cooking pot that stands upright on three legs. It is covered with intricate carvings.

Ritual cooking vessel: China, Shang or Zhou dynasty bronze, c. thousand BCE. Taotie – a mask of an imaginary animal with optics, horns, snout, and jaw. Motif common in Shang and early Zhou dynasties.

The Art of Western Europe

The Atlantic Bronze Historic period is the menses of approximately 1300 to 700 BCE that includes different cultures in Portugal, Andalusia, Galicia, and the British Isles. It is marked past economical and cultural substitution. Commercial contacts extended to Denmark and the Mediterranean. The Atlantic Bronze Historic period was defined by a number of distinct regional centers of metal production, unified by a regular maritime exchange of products.

Photo depicts the blade of a sword made from bronze.

Bronze sword bract (c. 800 BCE): Museum of National Antiques, Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France.

In Great Uk, the Bronze Historic period is dated from around 2,100 to 750 BCE. Migration brought new people to the islands from the continent. Recent tooth enamel isotope research on bodies found in early Bronze Age graves point that some of the migrants came from the expanse of modern Switzerland. Burying of the dead, previously communal, became private every bit bodies were interred in barrows and cists covered with cairns.

The greatest quantities of bronze objects in England were discovered in East Cambridgeshire—especially in Isleham, where more 6,500 pieces were found. Alloying of copper with zinc or tin to make contumely or bronze was skilful soon later the discovery of copper. The primeval identified metalworking site (Sigwells, Somerset) is much subsequently, dated by Globular Urn style pottery to approximately the 12th century BCE.

The Bronze Historic period in Ireland commenced around 2,000 BCE, when copper was alloyed with tin and used primarily in the field of metallurgy. I of the characteristic types of artifact of the Early Bronze Age in Ireland is the flat axe, notably the Ballybeg-blazon flat axe. Ireland is as well known for a large number of Early Bronze Age burials.

Bronze Age Stone Carvings

Petroglyphs, or rock engravings, exist around the world and range in purpose from ritual to advice to narration.

Learning Objectives

Define and depict the different kinds of petroglyphs constitute around the globe

Key Takeaways

Key Points

  • Rock carvings are found worldwide, with the highest concentrations in Africa, Scandinavia, Siberia, southwestern Due north America and Australia dating between the belatedly Upper Paleolithic and the Neolithic periods, although some date to the Statuary Age .
  • The majority of rock carvings were produced in caves or canyons by hunter-gatherers who inhabited the area and typically depicted animals and humans as well every bit some narrative scenes.
  • Traditionally, individual markings are called motifs , while groups of motifs are known as panels.
  • Some petroglyphs are idea to be astronomical markers, maps, or other such forms of communication. Carvings in Sweden seem to communicate land boundaries occupied by a specific tribe or clan.
  • Common symbols such as the loving cup-and-ring marking have been plant in diverse locations across Europe. Scholarly theories range from mere coincidence to migration to a common origin of the artists.

Fundamental Terms

  • logogram:A character or symbol that represents a word or phrase (eastward.g., a grapheme of the Chinese writing system).
  • motifs:Individual rock carvings.
  • panels:Groups of rock carving motifs.
  • geocontourglyph:A petroglyph that represents country form or surrounding terrain.

Petroglyphs (rock engravings ) are images containing pictograms and logograms created by removing part of a rock surface via incising, picking, etching, and/or abrading. Rock carvings are found worldwide, with the highest concentrations in Africa, Scandinavia, Siberia, southwestern North America, and Australia dating betwixt the late Upper Paleolithic and Neolithic periods, approximately 10,000 to 20,000 years ago. However, some carvings appointment to the Bronze Age. Many rock carvings were produced by hunter-gatherers who inhabited the area and typically depicted animals and humans too as some narrative scenes.

Photograph depicts a rock carving with human figures and a flock of birds.

Petroglyphs in Tanum, Sweden (c. 1700–500 BCE).: Rock etching with the shape of a flock of birds.


Traditionally, individual markings are chosen motifs, while groups of motifs are known as panels. Rock carvings are found across a broad geographical and temporal telescopic of cultures . Scholars have devised numerous theories to explain their purpose, depending on location, age, and image type.

Some petroglyphs are thought to be astronomical markers, maps, or other such forms of communication. A petroglyph that represents a land class or the surrounding terrain is known equally a geocontourglyph. Glyphs from the Nordic Bronze Age (c. 1700-500 BCE) seem to refer to a territorial purlieus between tribes, in addition to possible religious meaning. It likewise appears that local or regional dialects from similar or neighboring peoples existed.

Collage of photographs that depict various scenes from a petroglyph.

Blended photo of petroglyphs from Häljesta, Sweden (c. 1700–500 BCE): The glyphs accept been painted to make them more visible. They have been identified equally (top to bottom, left to right): Plowing with oxen (the co-operative in the farmer's hand is assumed to be office of a fertility ritual), archer/hunter with bow, fishing from a pocket-sized boat, (middle row) a procession of unknown nature, pes prints, (bottom row) man with dog, typical Scandinavian rock carving ship symbol.

Many researchers have noticed the notable resemblance of different styles of petroglyphs across dissimilar continents. This could be mere coincidence, an indication that certain groups of people migrated widely from some initial common surface area, or indication of a mutual origin.

I common symbol called the cup-and-ring mark has been found on petroglyphs in the British Isles as well every bit on the European continent in locations every bit various as Spain, Scandinavia, and Greece. This symbol consists of a concave depression, no more than a few centimeters in diameter, pecked into a rock surface and frequently surrounded by concentric circles besides etched into the stone. Sometimes a linear channel called a gutter protrudes from the middle.

Photo depicting large flat rock with depressions that illustrate a large deer.

Laxe dos carballos (fourth-second millennium BCE): Cup-and-ring mark and deer hunting scenes. (The loving cup-and-ring mark lies to the right of the deer.) Campo Lameiro, Galicia, Spain.

Some scholars have suggested that the cup-and-ring marker was symbolically linked to water, having sacred associations in late prehistoric society. As prove, they note that a number of the larger cups, referred to every bit basins, would accept collected rain h2o. They believe that loving cup-and-band marks look like the ripples produced when raindrops hit water.

Bronze Historic period Advancements in Metallurgy

The discovery of bronze through existing metallurgical techniques revolutionized the product of weapons and works of fine art.

Learning Objectives

Draw the evolution of metallurgy and how information technology impacted art

Cardinal Takeaways

Central Points

  • The discovery of bronze , produced past combining copper and tin, was a major advancement in metallurgy during the Bronze Age . A stronger textile than its stone and copper predecessors, statuary allowed for the production of more durable weapons, armor, artistic media , and luxury objects.
  • Bronze is divided into "archetype" and "mild," consisting of ten percent and six per centum tin can, respectively. Archetype bronze is better suited for casting , while mild bronze is better suited for hammered objects.
  • Bronze was originally used in the production of weapons, just artisans before long discovered its utilise as an artistic medium. Both product categories were highly valued, with hoards of axe blades discovered across Europe.
  • Lost wax casting is the oldest method of producing bronze sculptures. Dancing Daughter from Mohenjodaro is believed to be the oldest cast bronze sculpture.
  • The Únětice culture of Central Europe was highly advanced in its metallurgical techniques. Among its well-nigh interesting artifacts is the Nebra Sky Disk, a hammered object consisting of statuary and golden. It has been interpreted as an astronomical instrument too as an detail of religious significance.

Key Terms

  • metallurgy:The science and extraction of metals from ores, purification and alloying, heat treatment, and working.

An important development of the Bronze Historic period was the evolution of metallurgy, which resulted in the discovery of bronze. Certain metals, notably tin, atomic number 82 and (at a higher temperature) copper, can exist recovered from their ores by heating the rocks in a fire or blast furnace, a process known as smelting. The first testify of this extractive metallurgy dates to Serbian sites from the fifth and 6th millennia BCE.

In approximately the fourth millennium BCE in Sumer, India, and Communist china, it was discovered that combining copper and tin creates a superior metal, an blend called statuary. This discovery represented the beginning of the Bronze Age, enabling people to create metal objects that were harder than previously possible. Bronze tools, weapons, armor, and building materials such every bit decorative tiles were more than durable than their stone and copper predecessors.

Initially, bronze was made out of copper and arsenic, forming arsenic statuary, or from naturally or artificially mixed ores of copper and arsenic, with the earliest known artifacts coming from the Iranian plateau in the fifth millennium BCE. Information technology was only afterwards, approximately in 3500 BCE, that tin became the major non-copper ingredient of bronze. Tin bronze was superior to arsenic bronze in that the alloying process could be more easily controlled and the resulting alloy was stronger and easier to bandage. Furthermore, different arsenic, metallic tin and fumes from tin can refining are not toxic. In the Statuary Age, two forms of bronze were commonly used. "Classic bronze," nigh x percent tin, was used in casting. "Balmy bronze," nigh vi percent tin, was hammered from ingots to make sheets. Bladed weapons were mostly cast from classic bronze, while helmets and armor were hammered from balmy bronze. The flag pictured below was also probable hammered from mild bronze.

Photo depicts a flag and staff made from bronze.

Bronze flag (3rd millennium BCE): Institute in Shahdad, Kerman, (at present Islamic republic of iran).

In many parts of the world, big hoards of bronze artifacts have been discovered, suggesting that bronze as well represented a shop of value and an indicator of social condition. In Europe large hoards of statuary tools, typically socketed axes with little to no signs of habiliment, have been found. Axes were the most valued tools of the period.

Photo depicts several bronze axe blades arranged in rows.

Socketed axe blades.: A hoard of axes from the Bronze Age establish in modern Federal republic of germany. Archaeological Museum of the state of Brandenburg.

Although bronze was originally used for producing weapons, metal workers soon applied the alloy to the production of art. Among the oldest and most common method of producing bronze sculptures is through the lost wax process, which creates hollow one-of-a-kind sculptures in whatever form the artist chooses. Dancing Daughter (c. 2500 BCE), from Mohenjodaro in the Indus Valley, is perhaps the first bronze statue of the world. Although it is in a standing position, information technology was named Dancing Daughter with an supposition of her profession. This is one of two bronze art works found at Mohenjodaro that bear witness more flexible features when compared to other more formal poses. The girl is naked, wears a number of bangles and a necklace, stands in a naturalistic position with her right mitt on her hip, and holds an object in her left hand, which rests against her thigh.

Photo depicts a bronze statuette of a nude woman standing with her hand on her hip.

Dancing Daughter (c. 2500 BCE): Statuary. 4 1/8 in × two in. National Museum, New Delhi.

The Únětice culture arose at the starting time of the Cardinal European Bronze Age (2300-1600 BCE). The civilisation is distinguished by its characteristic metallic objects including ingot torques, flat axes, apartment triangular daggers, bracelets with spiral-ends, disk- and paddle-headed pins, and curl rings, which are distributed over a wide surface area of Central Europe and across. An interesting mixed media object from this culture is the Nebra Heaven Disk (c. 1600 BCE), which consists of a blue-green patina inlaid with gilt symbols. These symbols accept been interpreted generally as a lord's day or full moon, a lunar crescent , and stars (including a cluster interpreted as the Pleiades). Ii golden arcs forth the sides, marking the angle between the solstices, were added later. A final addition was another arc at the bottom surrounded with multiple strokes (of uncertain meaning, variously interpreted as a solar barge with numerous oars, as the Milky Way, or every bit a rainbow). Likely produced through hammering, the disk is peradventure an astronomical instrument as well as an detail of religious significance.

Photo depicts bronze disc decorated with a moon, sun, and starscape.

Nebra Sky Disk (c. 1600 BCE): Bronze and gold. 30 cm diameter. Pergamon Museum, Berlin.


Source: https://courses.lumenlearning.com/boundless-arthistory/chapter/the-bronze-age/

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